Entry by registration

Screening of the film "Atomopolis. Assembling Utopia"

On October 3 at 7:00 PM, we will screen the film "Atomopolis. Assembling Utopia."

This is an audiovisual exploration of the utopian spaces of Ukrainian atomograds —satellite cities built around nuclear power plants. The film is compiled from archival TV and film footage from 1970–1986, shot in six Ukrainian cities.

The construction of atomograds began in the USSR in the 1950s, while in Ukraine, it started in the 1970s. The development of these new types of cities was accompanied by the triumphant spirit of conquering the "infinite" energy source and the revival of utopian Leninist imagery.

During the full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine, nuclear power plants have repeatedly become sources of potential ecological catastrophe and nuclear blackmail. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was temporarily occupied in the spring of 2022, and Enerhodar remains under occupation to this day.

The film and the relevance of this topic will be discussed in an online conversation with Oleksandr Teliuk, the film’s co-authors, and guests of the screening: Stanislav Menzelevskyi and Anna Onufriienko.

The cinema space can accommodate 50 people, so entry is by registration only.

Please fill out the form only if you are certain you will be able to attend the screening.

The event is part of the film program "I Don’t Like Nature as It Is," which we are hosting in collaboration with the Dovzhenko Centre.

Screening of the film "Atomopolis. Assembling Utopia"
  • Working hours:

    DCCC Tue – Sat, 10 – 19

    Artsvit Tue – Sat, 12 – 19

    Alliance Francaise Mon – Sun, 10 – 21

    Kultura Medialna Mon - Sat, 11 – 18

  • Address:

    49000, Ukraine, Dnipro, Krutohirnyi Uzviz (Descent), 21A

ⓒ DCCC, 2025 Made in (DN)